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Sail number 2
Just bought an old 125. It has a sail number of no 2. Does anyone know the history. It also has a stamp on the sail saying Adelaide aus championships 1958.
Jeff6-Mar-2013    Edit    Delete 
Re: Sail number 2
Don't believe the number on the sail. The hull registration number should be engraved into the keel or inside the transom.
125 National Championships in Adelaide have been
1979/80 Brighton
1983/84 Glenelg
1989/90 Largs Bay
1994/95 Pt. Lincoln
1999/2000 Adelaide
2004/05 Adelaide
2009/10 Henley

I would first check is actually a 125 as the first Nationals were in 1977.
Don Barnett6-Mar-2013    Edit    Delete 
Re: Sail number 2
It is definitely a 125 sail. The hull shap looks the same as a 125 I will have to run a tape over the hull to confirm dimensions I will look for further numbers as suggested
Jeff7-Mar-2013    Edit    Delete 

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