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Question for the brains trust from a a newbie - hull area for paint
Hello Everyone,

I've recently bought a 125 and am looking forward to getting on the water after a couple of repairs. I've tried a search without any luck and was wondering if the brains trust might be able to enlighten me on the approximate area of the hull for estimating maintenance paint requirements?

Thank you in advance!!

Paul1-Feb-2022    Edit    Delete 
Re: Question for the brains trust from a a newbie - hull area for paint
Beyond a (likely) direct reply from those who have indeed tackled paints/repaints, a very left field answer might be to contact the author of this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Atc76rX4wO4 through a private message.

He/she has gone to the effort of creating a 3D CAD model of a 125 based on the class measurement rules, and with that effort they may very likely reply to you what the 3D area of the outside hull is (they only modelled the outer hull)

You could also estimate it from the National Rules of Construction and Measurement here:
Ben Wilson1-Feb-2022    Edit    Delete 
Re: Question for the brains trust from a a newbie - hull area for paint
...and just realised that possibly looking at Page 6 of the building instructions might be simpler still! This shows roughly what area the panel patterns occupy.

Ben Wilson1-Feb-2022    Edit    Delete 
Re: Question for the brains trust from a a newbie - hull area for paint
Hi Paul,
not sure on physical area dimensions but if spraying you are looking at about 800ml per coat.
Peter Mann6-Feb-2022    Edit    Delete 

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