National 125 Sailing Association

125 Discussion Forum

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Replying to:NSW states - boat available?
Dear 125ers, a couple of us DAC laser sailors are interested in sailing a 125 at the NSW states. We are asking if anyone knows of a good boat that would be able to be made available for the series. If there was a good boat which was otherwise not going to sail, we could help with transport if it's within a couple of hours from Sydney. As well as the lasers, we have each done a fair bit of sailing in two person dinghies (420 in one case, FD the other), so we (think we) know what we are doing (a bit). We've sailed with the 125s around DAC, and been impressed with the boats, so would like to give one a go. (Particularly if we could do it in a boat which would give us a fighting chance of being competitive if it were sailed well.) Any suggestions? Cheers, Andrew Belford