National 125 Sailing Association

125 Discussion Forum

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Learning to sail
I have been looking for a small sailing boat to learn to sail. It looks like the 125 is an inexpensive way to begin or should I look for something else. I have no experience at all but have sometine at hand as I am retired. Thanks in advence for any feedback
Rudy Meyer
sunshine coast
Rudy19-Dec-2008    Edit    Delete 
Re: Learning to sail

The 125 is ideal for learning. It is reasonably stable, there are lots around, and many clubs sail them.

Most of the sailing clubs have some sail training. Some have a week-long course during the holidays and others have some training before their races for new sailors. Visit the clubs closest to you (Mooloolaba Yacht Club?) on their race day and ask if they have any training. Contacts and race days are shown on the Club Contacts pages.
Keith Merkley28-Jan-2009    Edit    Delete 

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